Sunday, September 30, 2007

First food

Today Elias tried real food for the first time! At lunchtime we made him some potato puree and fed him a few tiny spoons. He seemed a bit surprised but we think most of what we fed him actually went down. Tomorrow I will feed him a bit more. The recommendation is to start with tasters around the time when they are 4 months so we are a few days early, but I think he is ready. We will take it slow and see how he reacts.. Unfortunately we didn't take any pictures of this big moment, we were to busy focusing on the actual feeding. We will make sure to take pictures in the future!

Tomorrow we are going to the clinic to have Elias measured and weighed again. It will be interesting to see how much he weighs now. I just checked in my old records and what he weighed at 3 months I weighed at 5 months.. A big guy, definitely! Tomorrow I will make sure to ask how we can prevent him from scratching his head to shreds. I don't know if it is the cradle cap (skorv) that itches and makes him scratch the head or what, but it looks as though he has been in a fight with a cat. We try to cut his nails, but still there is a new cut every morning it feels like.
It aint pretty!

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