Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I hope you have all noticed that we have posted some new pictures. If not, you can look at them here.

Here is a selection of a few favourites..

Small boy in big bath..

Food, yum!!!

Helping with the clearing up...

Showing his "cousin" some love..

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

First of all we want to apologise for the delayed blog entry. Somehow the days just rush past and all of a sudden a week have went past without us reporting about our life in the new house..

As we said in the previous entry we have had a few over night guests already. The first one was of course my dad who was here to help with the move. THANK YOU!! We also almost went to a friends party and left Elias with a babysitter. The plan was that my cousin Therese and her boyfriend Michael were going to babysit so we invited them over a few days before the big day for a bit of a test run. Elias had been a bit poorly the night before but had seemed ok during the day so we thought it would be ok. When they were here he did a super violent puke though and the next day both David and Michael fell ill. So much for that night out. Dave was too ill to go to a party and we had given the babysitter a stomach bug.. Oh well. The next weekend Therese offered to babysit again (to our surprise!) so we went shopping for a few hours during the day. We did an IKEA run and bought quite a lot of stuff, we just about managed to fit it into the car. Among other things we bought a new sofa bed for the guest room and a few days later Luke and Yoko came for a quick visit and were the premiere guests in the guest room.

Last Wednesday my cousin Erika came for an over night visit and on Thursday Angelika and the dogs came to spend Easter with us. We have been quite busy as you can see... Easter has been really lovely. It has snowed a couple of days and on Friday we first had a bit of a snow storm but in the afternoon the sun came out. Yesterday and today the sun has been shining and it has been really beautiful with the snow, unfortunately it has been a bit windy so it hasn't been that nice to go for long walks but I guess you can't get everything...

Anki and the dogs have gone back home now and I am sure Elias miss his auntie and "cousins". She got to be around for the second tooth starting to sprout and also to see him drag himself up to standing against the coffee table. I have tried to catch his tooth in a picture and this is the closest I have gotten. Can you see tooth no 1?

He also does a bit of "walking" with the use of a basket turned upside down as support. It will be interesting to see when he starts walking around the coffee table and such. Apparently that is one of the things they check for in the 10-month checkup.

Friday, March 14, 2008

We are online!!!!!


Tonight we have finally gotten our modem installed and we are back in cyberspace. I have spent the last hour going through my very full inbox. Oh how I have missed my emails!! ;-)

There are a few different reasons why it has taken us so long to get this working but one of the worst cock ups is that the company managed to send the modem to an address we lived on 4 years ago!! (Norrtäljegatan) Very strange/BAD.

I still have quite a few emails to go through but we will try to write a proper entry and post some pictures during the weekend. A quick recap of what has happened since the move comes here:

* Elias started crawling
* Elias got his first tooth
* Elias started "talking" (bababababa)
* Dave did a first "repair" on the house
* My cousin babysat for Elias
* We had our first over night guests