Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Boy in a Bath

Daft as a brush!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

eddie izzard

At hovet, not quite alone, waiting for eddie.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New phone

Testing to blog from my new phone

Monday, December 14, 2009


Yesterday was the big Lucia day which is celebrated a lot in Sweden. At nursery they aranged the celebration on Friday and it was all so sweet. We dropped him off at 7.45 and then waited in the playground. At 8.00 the procession with all the children came and then they sang loads of songs. Elias sang the loudest at some points ;-)
Afterwards we had gingerbread cookies they baked the day before and glögg. I had the day off and had planned to take Elias home with me, but my backpain is so bad now that I decided to let him stay at nursery while I went home for some rest. I picked him up early though to go to my cousin to celebrate little L's first birthday.

Getting ready to go.

A lot of little santas, lucias and gingerbread men. Elias next to one of his teachers

Helping L open his present

"Showing" L how to play with the new toy
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Wednesday, December 09, 2009


One big change we have noticed lately in Elias is that his imagination is starting to show when he is playing. It is so sweet! On Sunday morning we were all downstairs and he kept going to get food for me and David. He was very careful when carrying the "food" back to the bed and very specific with what was being served. Sometimes it was soup, sometimes a pear.

Tonight I have the night off and it will be so nice. Me and Anna are using the short "window" we have at the moment when both of us can get out of the house at night. Rebecka isn't breastfeeding any more and I'm not stuck to our no 2 yet. Better make the most of it!! We're going to a Japanese noodle restaurant and I'm so looking forward to it! (Just a bit of a shame that I have stuffed myself with the "consultant chocolate" that was delivered today. Mind you, we probably won't eat for another 2 hrs so it shouldn't be a problem... )

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Friday fun

Star Wars: Uncut Trailer from Casey Pugh on Vimeo.

For all loyal Star Wars fans out there ;-)

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

New games

I definitely think that seeing Anki and the baby has triggered a lot of thoughts and feelings in Elias. Last night he all of a sudden started to handle his bunny in a similar way to how we handled the baby. He wrapped Bunny up in a blanket, sang to it and carried it around very gently. He even brought Bunny into his own bed still wrapped up in the blanket.

This morning he continued and told me we had to be quiet because Bunny was sleeping, and he kept wrapping and re-wrapping Bunny in the blanket and moving him around. It is all very sweet!