Wednesday, September 19, 2007

All by ourselves

Yesterday Dave left for Boston so now it is just me and the little guy for a few days. It feels a bit scary to be on my own for so long, but I am sure we will be fine. My arms will probably be quite tired by the end of the week but apart from that I think we will be ok.

Yesterday some of the girls from the parent group came around which was really nice. Elias is usually better behaved on days when we meet other people or have something planned. I guess he gets a bit bored when he has to play with me all day long.. It is so much fun to see the others and their babies, they are all so cute. It is fun because the babies are almost exactly the same age so we all go through the same things at roughly the same time. According to the others Elias is very easy to get to smile and they think he 'talks' a lot too. He is so clever! ;-)

Elias and his proud/crazy mum

After our guests had left we played and I put him on his stomach which he normally hates, but this time he was quite content. He was pushing himself up on his arms and looked around and all of a sudden he rolled over again. It seemed really easy for him this time. It will be interesting to see if he manages it again today..

Today we have a beatiful autumn day. It is probably a bit cold, but the sky is blue and the sun is shining so I hope Elias will be up for a walk later. We are having two friends over for dinner so I need to shop some food..

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