Sunday, January 31, 2010

Visit report

On Wednesday eventing Anki and F arrived and it was so nice to finally see them again. We've had a few busy and fun days together and now they have left us again :-(

On Thursday we went to see my cousin Therese where our aunt was visiting too (good timing!). It was so much fun and as a bonus our aunt had cooked Palt so me Anki and I were extra happy!

On Friday we went to see Anki's friend Hanna and her 3 children. It was fun and quite intense with all the children and I think F was in a bit of chock. Alice slept most of the time. I guess she is fairly used to chaos since she has a big brother, plus the fact she is very young still and most kids tend to sleep a lot then...

Yesterday we had some relatives visiting and we showed off our little gems.

Tomorrow I'm taking Alice for a checkup and I also need to prepare the house for the arrival of Grandma Joyce. We can't wait to see her!

Auntie Anki and Alice

Cute cousins!

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