Tuesday, September 08, 2009

(Elias's) First Wee (in toilet)

Today is an historic day because Elias did his first wee in the toilet! He has been in full control of his bladder for some time but has never chosen to do it in the right place before.

We knew he needed one because he was naked ready for his evening wash and said "wee floor" in swedish, so Dave picked him and forced him onto the loo. Up to now he has been more reluctant to sit on the potty or toilet when he actually needs to go and tonight was no exception. But then he actually weed and he was quite proud of himself - after mum and dad's jubilation.

"Again" he said. We let him sit on it again but he was crestfallen when nothing happened. We told him he could try again in the morning.

1 comment:

Joyce Webber said...

fantastic! did he use the baby bjorn seat? or balance perilously on the rim?