Friday, September 11, 2009


(mysa = get cozy)

There is a day when you can exhale
Finally you go home and get away from the nagging boss
Since I moved here all I do is "mys" and "mys"
It's time for Friday-mys, even if it's the last thing I do
Soon it's Friday-mys
I hope the parents stay away
The week is over
It is time for Friday MYYYYS

Recognize the velour suit dad?? ;-)

I just love this commercial, it sort of embed so much of what's typical Swedish and my childhood. When I was little we certainly did the Friday mys. Dad made a fire in the fireplace, we had toast and prawns (dad pre-peeled loads in advance), mum and dad had wine and we were allowed soft drinks and crisps (dill and chives flavoured, always dill and chives) and we watched Dallas or some other "great" tv-program. Nostalgia...

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