Thursday, November 29, 2007

First cold

I guess it had to happen sooner or later - Elias has gotten his first cold... On Monday I started to notice signs that I was getting a cold and on Tuesday I was definitely ill. By Wednesday Elias had cought it too. I am feeling a lot better now, but he is still very snotty and coughs a bit too. It is so horrible to hear how snotty he is without being able to do much.. We just want to tell him to blow his nose but of course he can't.. He hasn't had a temperature though wich we are glad for. Hopefully it has peaked by now and he will get better over the weekend.

So, what else have happened since the last post? Well, auntie Anki came to visit. On Thursday we went in to town but didn't get to do much shopping because Elias didn't want to sleep in his pram. I guess it is quite hard to sleep when one goes in and out of shops and the temperature varies between -3 and + 20... We did manage to buy a present for our friends Anna and Edvard who had a baby Otto early October. On Friday afternoon we went to visit them and it was so much fun. It is hard to imagine that Elias was ever that small. When Anna offered me to hold Otto I got all nervous and didn't quite know how to hold such a small baby. It was like holding air compared to Elias! ;-)

As I wrote earlier, Elias is now sitting very well but we still make sure to seat him in padded areas because he usually falls over sooner or later. It has been very nice for me now he started sitting because all of a sudden he could entertain himself for quite long and I had time to read the newspaper or do other stuff that needed doing. A favourite game of his for a few days was to kiss his own reflection in the mirror. Extremely cute!

Mirror, mirror on the floor, who is the cutest boy in the world??

It seems that he isn't quite content just sitting anymore though. Sometimes he sits and plays but quite often he wants to get somewhere else and as soon as I sit him down he leans forward on his arms and it looks as if he is about to crawl away. Of course he can't crawl yet and just flips over on his tummy and gets annoyed after 30 seconds because he hates to be on his tummy. So I sit him back up again and then after like 2 minutes he is back on his tummy again ;-)

I want to crawl!!!

And now to the most important news! I had a haircut and here is the result:
I have added a few picture to the month 6 album, so make sure to check it out!

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