Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Back home

After our big adventure we are now back again and all went well. On Wednesday I strapped on our huge rucksack and steered the pram to the train station. I managed to get all of the stuff on the train but of course I managed to pick a coach where there already was a family with children (and prams). I could squeeze in our pram though and Elias actually slept through the whole kerfuffle. In Stockholm I got (much needed) help to get off the train and then Dave came and helped me to get on the next train. This time we were the first ones with a pram to get on the train so there was space for it. phew.. 4 hours and a lot of feeding later we came to Lund where Angelika was waiting to help us off the train. The trip went better than I had thought but it feels like it is needed to have assistance to get on and off the trains..

In Lund we had a great time. We spent the days shopping, going for walks, cooking and more.

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