Thursday, April 17, 2008

Quick Note

I thought I would do a quick post, mainly to shock Vickan.

Not much to report except that I am getting nervous about my paternity leave. It is relentlessly drawing closer and closer like a steamroller. But believe it or not I am looking forward to it too. Elias is a lovely boy and fun to be with. He has a good sense of humour when he is not hungry. It is funny when he wants to play "chase". Somehow he manages to tell me he wants to play without words. He starts to crawl away, then turns back toward me grinning and silent. Then he creeps forward a little more and then looks back again. Then I start to crawl after him making growling sounds and he squeals and giggles and starts trying to get away.

Yesterday we had a deer in our back garden. I could not get the camera in time unfortunately. Vickan thinks the deer will steal all our apples later in the year.

The other day I saw a woodpecker pecking in the tree just a few metres from our back door. I failed to get to the camera in time then as well, so you'll just have to believe me!

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