Friday, August 24, 2007

New skills

Because I/we spend so much time together with Elias it is sometimes hard to realise when he has learnt something new. It all comes gradually and seems so natural. At the moment we are reading a book about then 7 phases (or Big Changes) a baby goes through in its first year and reading that makes me realise that a lot of the things he does are part of his development and not just something a bit funny.

What he does now is for instance:
  • Blows bubbles with his mouth
  • Tests his voice by sometimes shrieking
  • Lies with his legs straight up in the air (will try to get a picture of it)

Lately we have had lovely weather but now they are saying that tomorrow will be the last day of summer.. Better make the most of it then..

We have quite a lot of plans actually. On Saturday we are going to a 30th birthday party and on Sunday some of my relatives are coming for some Surströmming . Hopefully the weather will be good enough so we can sit outside ;-)

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