Friday, August 17, 2007

First week

The first week on our own is almost coming to an end now and it has gone very well. On Monday the weather was pretty bad and it was a bit hard for me to 'get going' so we ended up not doing much. On Tuesday the weather was better and we took a walk to a shopping centre on the outskirt of Uppsala and did some shopping. Mainly I bought clothes for Elias. He has grown out of quite a lot of his clothes and often we need to change him at least once a day because he has gotten puke (or something else) on his clothes so we need quite a few outfits for him. Luckily H&M is quite inexpensive when it comes to baby clothes!

On Wednesday we went to the clinic for a routine checkup. First he was weighed and measured and then it was time to see the doctor. By now he had gone from very happy to very grumpy and he screamed his lungs out the whole time we saw the doctor. I felt a bit stressed because he was so unhappy so I didn't ask any questions on what she was looking for really, but I will ask next time. She listened to his heart and lungs (between the screams) and checked his testicles ( I think) and moved his legs around. Afterwards I sat in the waiting room feeding him and she came out to ask a few questions about his development, if he smiles and communicates and so on. I guess even she got a bit stressed by his wailing ;-)

After the doctor's appointment we met up with two of the mothers from our parent group; Kristina with Hugo and Camilla with William. It was great to see them and especially Camilla and William since we hadn't seen them before. We had a lovely day together with them and didn't get back home until 4.30.

Today we are seeing the bank just to find out what kind of budget we are looking at in case we find a house we really want. We have been going to a few showings lately but not found anything great. For me it will be more interesting to look at houses when I know what we can actually afford as well. We might go and look at a few on Sunday..

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