Wednesday, April 02, 2008

10-month checkup

Today we have been to the clinic for Elias' 10-month check-up. They measured and weighed him as usual but also had a doctor checking a few medical things and if he is developing like he should.

Everything was fine. Heart and lungs sounded fine, his belly was ok and hips and joints were good to. She checked if he masters the pincer grip (which he does) and if he bangs two blocks together. The banging took a while for him to show, he just wanted to throw the blocks on the floor ;-) He did show off banging blocks together before we left so she was pleased. I asked if we should worry about the fact that he still doesn't roll over when he is on his back but the doctor thought nothing of it since he both crawls and stands up against furniture and tries to walk alongside them.

Another thing he has started to do lately is to clap his hands and wave. Extremely cute of course! If we have the telly on and there is clapping he joins in!


Oil said...

Glad check-up went well. I can't wait to see the waving and clapping! xxxx Juliet

Joyce Webber said...

good about the checkup ... now check out my blog - webbertrons - and see some proper snow!