We had almost a week of proper winter and a few days it was really cold, I think the coldest we had was -13 during the night. At the end of last week it started thawing and by the weekend all snow was gone and it was really warm and sunny. On Saturday Dave went grocesry shopping with Elias on his own (a practice run) and in the afternoon Anna and Jacob came round for a visit. It was so nice to see them. We do miss all our friends in Uppsala!
On Sunday I was tempted to go into town and have a fika with my cousin but the weather was so nice so I decided to take the opportunity to do some garden work. Therese actually came here and helped too! ;-) We pruned the apple tree - loads of fun!! Not that we really knew what we were doing, but I think we did a good job. I do think a few more brances need to be chopped off though.. We also raked quite a lot of leaves while Dave took care of Elias and served us lunch on the patio for the first time.. Unfortunatelly we didn't take a before and after picture of the tree, but here is a picture of Dave's melted snow soldier and in the background is the tree before the pruning. I will make sure to take an after picture soon (as I am sure you are all Very interested)
Since the last entry me and Elias have also met up with my friend Lisa and her 4 week old boy Theo. Lisa and I got to know each other -98 in Stuttgart when we were both exchange students and since then we have been in touch on and off. When I sent out our new address to my whole address book she replied and it turns out she lives about 1.5 km from here!! It is great to be in touch with here again, just a shame I am soon going back to work! It is amazing to see Theo and think that Elias was that small once.. Hard to believe..
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