Alice has been very easy and sunny while we've been here and a few people have said they will take her with them if they get the chance ;-) She is very strong on her front and this week she has started to try to get up on her hands and knees. It is amazing to watch her try. She is so focused and can do it for quite a while before she gets annoyed.
In center Parks she really enjoyed swimming in the pools. I did a few "baby swimming" exercises that we learned with Elias and she loved it (he hated it at the same age). I felt a bit guilty when I realized how much she loved swimming because I didn't really know. I guess it is a "second baby thing"; not quite taking the time to find out all these things. Oh well, at least we know now!
On Tuesday Alice got a bit snotty and yesterday she had a pretty bad evening. Hopefully it was because of the slight cold she has or else her sunny phase has come to an end and "storm clouds are gathering"... (David thinks she has entered the stage of relationships)
Elias has started to speak more and more English this week and I just feel proud and amazed at what he can do. He is really trying hard, bless him. He has seemed very tired in the evenings and maybe that has to do with the language (I remember being exhausted in the evenings when I was in Germany). I think he has enjoyed most of the trip so far but he does talk about the "pink house" now and again so maybe he is a bit homesick sometimes. Both here at grandma Joyce and in Center Parks he has fallen out of bed a few times but without waking up. That's one good thing about carpets I guess; it softens the fall a little bit...
In Center Parks Elias loved the swimming pools and especially going down one of the slides. I think both Dave and I were a bit surprised that he did it. It took him a while to build up the courage but once he did it we could hardly drag him away from it.
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