Yesterday we got a letter saying that Elias can go to the nursery closest to our house as of end of August. We are a bit surprised since just a few days ago it seemed like the queue was still pretty long.
I'm really happy about this because it will mean that the friends he make at nursery will be living closer to us and it will be a lot more convenient for us as well with the dropping off and picking up. Still I can't help but feel a bit worried. I really like the staff where he is now and as David pointed out yesterday, it seems like a lot of the older kids really like Elias and look out for him. I'm sure it will be good in the new place too, but it is always a bit scary with the unknown. "You know what you have but not what you will get"
I will try to call them today and see if we can arrange a visit to the new nursery.
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