On Sunday we also had our 1-year anniversary but since Dave was a bit jet-lagged we decided to not do much and save the celebration for next weekend. Looking forward to testing some of the wine we got on our wedding!
Yesterday I went to a step-up class for parents and babies. It was fun but very hard. I am so out of shape! Elias slept through most of the class and then woke up and looked at all the sweaty mums.
Today we have had a great day! Elias woke up a bit early and I was really tired, but while he had his morning nap I managed to get a bit of sleep too and after that and some coffee I was back to normal. After lunch we went to öppna förskolan (open nursery?) for babies 0-6 months. Öppna förskolan is like a nursery but the parents go there with the children. We were there for about two hours and spoke/played with other mothers and babies. It was great. After all new impressions Elias was quite tired and as soon as we left he fell asleep in the pram and slept for about 1 hr. Since coming back home he has been in an excellent and sunny mood.
Elias is starting to be very strong now I think. Just look at how high he can lift himself up when on his belly...
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