Today we have been to "BVC" (Child care ward) where they weighed and measured him. He has grown very well indeed. He now weighs 3490 grams and is 52.6 cm tall. Already a big boy!
On Sunday my cousins Therese and Erika visited us for a few hours which was very nice. Elias wasn't very social though, he slept the whole time. Not that we have much to compare with, but so far he feels like a very easy baby to take care of. He still sleeps for quite a few hours after eating, giving us plenty of time to rest, read email, write blog entrys, and do other stuff.
On Monday we celebrated his 1 week-day by taking him out for his longest outing so far. We walked to Stadsparken and had a picnic there with Anna and Jacob. It was very relaxing and nice. While there we also had our first public feed and public nappy change. There are quite a lot of firsts at the moment ;-)
Tomorrow night my parents are coming which we are looking forward to of course, and on Friday my sister and her boyfriend are coming as well. Unfortunately the weather forecast doesn't look great for the weekend, but I'm sure we'll have a lovely time anyway!
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