Almost a week have past now since the birth of E (name not decided yet.. two candidates starting with E at the moment). Since coming back home on Tuesdays the days have just flown by. I guess we aren't doing much really but time still seems to go really fast.
The first two days we basically set up camp in the bedroom and almost didn't go anywhere else. We did go down to the garden a few times to have coffee and get some fresh air and Dave did a few trips to the shop, but apart from that we didn't move around much.
On Friday we had a checkup with the doctor at the hospital. They weighed him, checked eyes, took a blood test and some other things. Everything looked good. A hearing test was also performed and the right ear is ok, but the left one they couldn't get a reading on, probably because it had some amniotic fluid or something else in the way. We are scheduled to do a new test of the left ear on June 19.
On Friday we alse had our first guests around, Anna and little Jacob. It was nice to finally show our little gem off! On Friday night we also went around to Emma and Henke's where they were having a BBQ and E got to meet a few more of our friends. He had actually met Sofia already in the hospital because she started her very first day as a midwife on Monday morning. Had he been a bit later she could have been the one delivering him!
On Saturday Kajsa, Matthias and Vilmer came around and we sat out in the garden (in the shade!) and had a nice fika. We waited patientally for E to wake up but he actually slept for 4 hrs straight.. In the end they had to give up but there will surely be plenty of more opportunities to meet E when he is awake. It got a bit worrying in the end that he slept so much and we decided it was probably best to go in where it was a bit cooler. Ever since E was born we have had amazing weather with temperatures around 30 degrees in the shade. It is a bit hard to handle because we can't do much else than keep him in the shade and not put much clothes on him but it is still pretty hot.
Heavy sleeper
Today my cousins are coming around which we are really looking forward to and in the coming week I am sure we will be venturing out more and more.
E has been really nice so far and slept for quite long periods. Normally he eats and then sleeps for 2-3 hrs so up until now I think we are both happily surprised and had expected to get a lot less sleep and to be more knackered. I guess he doesn't really have a routine yet though so things can change any moment... The only complaint we have at the moment is that he seems to have perfected the art of weeing as soon as we change nappy. He is like a fountain and wee seems to go everywhere.. ;-) He has weed on both us and himself numerous times the little bugger.
By the way, we have also set up a skype account
familywebber and we tested it for the first time yesterday and called Dave's mum who got a peek at E through the webcam. Quite exciting!