The hall (continued)After quite a lot of hard work the hall is finally finished and this is what it looks like now.

Of course there are still a few small details to sort out (isn't there always) but the main part is done anyway.
New sofa coverA long long time ago I (Viktoria) bought a sofa at IKEA. I thought it would be quite cool to have a red on

e and it was quite cool until it got bleached by the sun and took on a rather pink shade. So for a few years now I have been thinking about making a new cover for the sofa (can't buy it ready made unfortunatelly since IKEA don't sell the sofa anymore) and in October I finally bought 11 metres of brown fabric and a few weeks ago I finally worked up the courage to start. I think it would have been clever to start before the bump arrived, it is a wee bit uncomfortable to crawl around on the floor to cut the pieces. But as we say in Sweden, if the head is stupid, the body suffers. ;-) Dave have been a bit sceptical to me pulling it off, but now he seems a bit more positive. To be honest I am a bit sceptical myself, but I try to ignore it and just keep on. Unfortunatelly I haven't planned all my purchases very well so I keep running out of thr

ead or realising I have forgot to buy something important. Again it is appropriate with a swedish saying; what one doesn't have in the head, one has to have in the legs. I am pretty confident I will finish the main part of the sofa quite soon though and then I "only" have the cushions left. I am a bit nervous about doing them though since I haven't sown zips since school- surely I'll manage though. How hard can it be!!?? (aaaah)
Head board for the bedWe have about the most basic bed you can have. Two IKEA beds put together, no frame or anything else to improve its look. Since we don't have a huge bedroom we haven't wanted to put in a big bedframe though (and Dave is worried about hitting his knees and toes if the b

ed has hard edges) but we still wanted to make it look a bit nicer. As always Vickan suggested building a head board and Dave thought it might be better to buy one. After a bit of discussion we decided to try to make a head board ourselves so this Saturday we bought a huge piece eof MDF, some foam, a stapler gun and some fabric. The foam was glued to the board and then we stapled the fabric over it and "hepp" we have a head board. The fabric we have on it now is just a protective layer and we are still looking for a nice looking one to cover it w

ith, but even now you can see how nice it will look! And it is sooo much nicer to sit up and read when there is a soft head board to lean against.
I think you are both very clever indeed and the headboard idea is so excellent i want to try it myself. Is that a homemade pouffe too, with woolly covering and all?
Not to mention that the headboard will come in handy when it is time for night nursing :-) Good job!
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