(this blog was supposed to have started ages ago, so here is a little recap)
September 23 - The Wedding
September 25-October 7 - Honeymoon in Tuscany, Italy
October 26 - Positive pregnancy test
November 6 - Ultrasound 1 shows we are in week 11. The little piglet is 4.5 cm
December 15 - Around this time Vickan has started to feel "something" but can't quite be sure that it is the piglet.
December 20 - Ultrasound 2. Everythinkg looks fine. At first the piglet was asleep but the midwife woke him/her up and soon there was loads of action. We got loads of prints.
Janyary 5 - Dave turns 30!
January X - Dave feels a kick for the first time
January 25 - sold the Lupo. The Lupo just wasn't the family car we need, sad but true.
February 2 - picked up the Mazda. Now this is the family car we need! (Hard to get into the garage though..)
February 12 - 25 week check at the midwife. Everything is fine. The bump-size is spot on the average and the piglet's heart rate is 145 beats/min.
February 18 - Ordered the pram. A bright green Brio Happy ;-) (To see the pram, choose Sittvagnar, Happy Sittvagn. To see the colour, click on "Välj färg" and then use the arrows)
February 25 - this is how the bump looks now:
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