Friday, July 12, 2013


 A few weekends ago some parents from Elias' school arranged a family camping weekend. We set our tents up on a field belonging to someones house. It was an amazing location with a perfect view of the Long Man. We were very lucky with the weather and it was a really nice weekend.




Thursday, July 04, 2013

A few Mondays ago

..we had a lovely afternoon. The kids were cykling along the beach, we then had dinner (pizza) on the beach, took the scenic route home and came across a bunch of people paragliding. I think we all really enjoyed it!

6 years (+1 month)

I thought I should post some pictures from Elias' brithday and his party. Better late than never huh!?
It was actually sunny on his birthday(!). He got a little pressie and a goodie for breakfast but we saved the rest of the presents until after school. Then the Hills came round for dinner and cake.

A few weeks ago before his birthday we went bowling after school and since then Elias was determined to have a bowling party. He had invited 6 friends and they had a game of bowling, food and cake. 2 hours of craziness and then it was over. Phew