Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New album

I've added a new photo album, so put your reading glasses on and have a look!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

More pics

Friday ice cream has turned to every day ice cream this week. Elias doesn't mind...

At the plough for a spot of lunch

Decorating fairy cakes with auntie Lizzie and Owen
A slightly insane amount of cakes...

Happy Easter!

Cheerio everyone!

Alice having her first ice cream

Elias loves "his" bike

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lovely weekend

On Saturday we went to the opening of the Waterfront Congress Centre in Stockholm. We don't go into town very often and it was very nice to go for once. They guided tours with the architects of the building but we couldn't really join and instead we focused on the activities they had for kids like bouncy castles and face painting.

Today Therese and Leonard came for a visit and we also babysat Leonard for a few hours while she did some work on their boat. The boys seemed to really enjoy each others company and it was really lovely to see.

Here they are building a house for a cat that kept walking through our garden.

The weather has been really nice this weekend and today we acutally ate dinner outdoors for the first time. So lovely!!
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Sunday, April 10, 2011

The sweetest thing

happened this afternoon. After a very nice day with forest groups and a whole afternoon in the garden, Elias and Alice relaxed watching Charlie and Lola. Guess how much my heart melted when I saw this:

AND after dinner they had a lovely time playing together in the bean bag. I don't know what they did exactly but Alice was laughing her head off it sounded like. Of course it was all ruined when I went in to see what they were doing...

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Grandma's little helpers

Last weekend Grandma Joyce was visiting and we were priviliged enough to have her around for her birthday.

The kids thought it was excellent to help with opening presents

We were all really sad to see her go back home on Tuesday, but luckily it's not long until Easter and we'll get to see her and everyone in England again...

It's (finally) official

Alice can walk!

We don't have a baby anymore, we have a toddler...
While Grandma Joyce was here Alice changed her main form of transportation from shuffling to walking. She still wants our support when she's outdoors walking, which is quite understandable. Indoors she is doing really well though but towards the end of the day she is happy for us to help her by holding one hand.