It feels like it's been a wee bit crazy lately. But it is probably just me getting stressed for no reason as usual. Anyway. Since last we've celebrated
Midsummer with my cousin and her family. For once the weather was pretty good and we had a great day with them. Elias especially enjoyed telling Leonard off for various things. He is such a little police at the moment. "No Leonard, don't throw sand outside the sandbox. Now I will get angry!"

On Sunday we made a trip to the beach. It was beautiful and I think Elias really enjoyed it.

Yesterday I had another appointment with the chiropractor and tomorrow morning Alice is having her ears checked up. Somehow we (I) have also managed to do loads of washing and hopefully we will manage to pack everything tomorrow. I think there might be one or two shops where we're going and I might just have to make a visit there. Not that I want to, oh no, but if we have forgotten something I just might have to go. Poor me. And who knows, maybe some jeans will find me in the process too...
Alice is sitting fairly well at the moment but not well enough to be left on her own.
More pictures are in the May&June album.