Sunday, March 28, 2010

The future's so bright...

... I've got to wear shades!

Elias is ready for sunny spring-winter up north!!
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Friday, March 26, 2010


At least one of the girls in this family works out a bit... She's getting strong!

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Smile - almost

It is very easy normally to get a smile out of Alice, but when my face is hidden behind the camera she isn't so keen. This is the closest I've gotten to capturing it so far...

Screaming and singing

First of all; sorry for the long time since the last entry. Time sure flies nowadays!

Alice and I visited my sister a few weekends ago and it was so nice to see them. We had a great time but of course it all ended way too soon. Luckily we're seeing them again at Easter. In the new photo album March & April 2010 you can see pictures.

Alice has unfortunately developed quite a bad evening temper and quite many evenings we've had to carry her around for a few hours while she's screams pretty much the whole time. Not fun I can tell you. This is also one of the reasons why the blog has suffered a bit. When she finally goes to sleep we usually need to hit the hay too!

Elias is doing well and keeps making us proud. The other day when I picked him up from nursery one of his teachers said she thought he is very well behaved at lunch time and always says please and thank you. And another day they said he had sung very enthusiastically at the morning assembly. He even got applauses. ;-)