After months of beautiful sleep where we have questioned why oh why we decided it was time to bring in a new baby that will without a doubt keep us up in the night Elias has decided to put up a fight.
Putting him to bed is usually no problem at all, but lately he has started to wake up around 4 am. He is really awake and has no intention of going back to sleep. It usually takes about 1 hr of him lying in our bed fidgeting, singing, laughing, talking before he finally gives up. Yesterday he didn't have a mid-day sleep so we felt pretty confident we would get our beauty sleep. Oh, how wrong we were!
At 11 pm he woke up and by 01.30 he was STILL awake. I was starting to feel pretty desperate to say the least. He was obviously tired but just couldn't settle down. Finally David took the fight and managed to sing him to sleep.
I thought he would be a wreck this morning but when he woke up about 7.30 he was in a pretty good mood actually. I will be pretty surprised if it turns out he didn't
sleep at nursery today!
Today we're getting a mattress down from the attic so we can sleep next to him on the floor if/when he wakes up tonight. Hopefully he won't be up for hours tonight!