Sorry about the drought here at the blog. I've been pretty computer shy during the summer...
Well, here's a short recap of the main events of our looong summer break.
After Luleå and the wasp killing, David had to go to work for a week so on Wednesday Elias and I took the train to my sister. We had a really nice time there comparing bumps, looking at horses, walking the dogs, picking black currants. Dave joined us Friday evening and during the weekend we made a trip to P-A's family's farm in Halland. It was great to finally see the place we have heard so much about. There we visited P-A's aunt and looked at kittens - Elias loved it and still talks loads about kittens.

On Monday we left my sister and did a mini tour of Skåne. We drove around and stopped at various tourist spots, beaches and cafés. Really nice. One stop was
Ale stenar, which I thought was really interesting. Elias did a great job walking up the fairly steep and long hill all on his own. I was very impressed!

We came home just in time for the ultrasound. Elias came with us but got quite distressed during the exam and started crying and said "stupid baby". Great start! David had to go out with him so the nurse could do her job. Everything looked fine and the due date was calculated to be January 6.
Then we went sailing with my cousin Therese and her family. We had amazing weather but hardly any wind so there wasn't that much sailing going on really, but that didn't really matter.

The week before we went to Itlay my parents came for a visit. Dad and Dave did a very good job doing roof repairs.

And then on August 17 we left for Italy, but that will have to be covered in another blog entry...
(Pictures can be seen in the
July&August album though)