Early Sunday morning we came back from Luleå after a week there. We decided to drive there since flights were so expensive and we decided to drive during the night so that Elias would sleep. On the way up he slept about 2 hrs out of the 10 hr journey and on the way back it was pretty much the same. Not exactly according to plan but it did go pretty well anyway.
Me and Dave were pretty shattered after the drive up north but luckily the weather was great and Elias had a good time playing with grandma Inger and granddad Stig.

A dunk in the pool.
On Monday we invited some of my old friends over for lunch. It was great to see them all especially since they live in various parts of the world at the moment. All of them have kids and it is amazing to see how much they change in a year.

On wednesday we went to see my aunt and had some lovely grilled fish.

We managed to see our friends Malin and Dave a few times which was great. They live in Australia so it doesn't happen that often. On Friday we met them for lunch in the "legendary" chinese restaurant Waldorf in Luleå. It has been around for ages and taught me that it is perfectly normal for chinese restaurants to also serve pizza! (Their menu has also contained japanese, indonesian and swedish food)

Elias and Matilda had a great time together
More pictures in the
July & August album.