Thursday, November 27, 2008


It has gotten warm again and pretty much all the snow has melted. Poo! Oh well, I guess we have to be happy for the few days of winter we did have...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Like i said

A lot of snow

Swimming in snow

It is snowing like crazy here! It is great! There has been a pretty bad storm during the night but at the moment the wind has died down and there is just loads of snow falling from the sky.

Yesterday we tried to play a bit in the snow with Elias but he wasn't that keen. Dave tried to go down a little slope on a saucer but Elias hated it. We will get a proper toboggan and try again next weekend (pray that the snow stays!).

I have added some more pictues in the October&November album.

Friday, November 21, 2008


As I said, the lights in our tree look a bit pathetic.... (I hope you notice the wintery street though, not that we can take credit for it..)

The other day the yarn I ordered finally came. Yippie! What I'm making from it is a secret though. But I promise to show you all one day...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Weekend update

Antoher weekend has come and gone. On Friday me and Dave went to see the new Bond while my cousin Therese and her boyfriend Michael babysat. Thank you!

On Saturday morning we went swimming with Elias again and this time he seemed to enjoy it even more than last time. We even "dived"! It was so much fun. I sure hope Dave wasn't right when he said "it can only go downhill from here"...

After Elias' mid-day sleep him and I went to a shopping centre to return a pair of his shoes that had broken (after less than 2 weeks usage, crap!) and to by a few small things. The place was absolutely packed and it isn't even that close to Christmas yet. I don't want to think about what it will be like in a few weeks... Internet shopping, here we come!!

On Sunday we went grocery shopping in the morning, an activity that Elias quite likes. Maybe because the shop we go to have little displays with stuffed animals he can look at. Where you get your eggs, there are a few hens, close to the dairy section you get a few cows and sheep. His favourite is a monkey swinging in a trapeze close to the vegetables. He can sit and look and laugh at it quite long while we run around the shop. We also managed to find him some new shoes which I sure hope will stay in one piece longer than the other ones!

In the afternoon I suddenly discovered that the rain had turned into snow. Wow! When Elias woke up we got him all dressed up so we could go out and play but the snow had then changed back into rain unfortunately. We did manage to hang some lights in the tree outside our house. It doesn't quite look the way we had imagined though. It actually looks pretty pathetic. I think we will have to get the extension pack with more lights...

And he can dance!

Get into the groove...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A balancing act

Elias has rediscovered his push cart again. When he was learning to walk and used it he couldn't turn it around when he hit a wall but now he totally masters the art of turning. And boy does he turn! He can walk around for ages in the house twisting and turning. When he has gone in to his playroom and turned around and walks out again he often gets stuck on the threshold and gives out a little squeak. We are then supposed to come and help him. I don't know how many times we have heard that sweet little squeak..

Another new game that I'm not quite that fond of is when he climbs in to the push cart and stands and rocks it. And it gets even worse when he climbs up on the edges of it!

This weekend he started to play with his toy cars as well. I guess he sees what other kids to at dagis and copy...

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Long time no update, sorry about that!

Last weekend was pretty busy. On Saturday we went to the children's fair wich was really fun (I thought anyway) and on Sunday we went to a birthday party for Otto who turned one and in the evening we had a quick visit from Luke and Yoko. Elias was totally mesmerized by Yoko, he couldn't stop looking and smiling at her. It was very cute.

For those of you who don't know, Luke is one of David's oldest friends and he now lives in Tokyo with his wife Yoko. Despite the fact that they live so far away we get to see them a few times a year because they come to Sweden to buy things for Yoko's shop - Rhubarb

We have been a bit bad with taking pictures lately but we will definitely try to improve!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

At Child fair

Father and son watching the entertainment.