Opps, haven't been writing for a while. Not because there is nothing to write about, but because it is hard to find the time..
So, what has happened since the last entry.. Well, he is not so keen on the dummy anymore - sorry Granddad! Not sure what we are doing wrong, Stig must have a magic touch.. He did also take the bottle a few times but the last few days he has refused and starts to cry as soon as he sees the bottle. We can usually get him to drink a bit from it but far enough from a whole meal.. Oh well.. I guess we just have to keep trying..
We met up with some of the people from the parent group last Sunday. It was fun to see the other dads and I guess they liked to see all of the babies as well. We met up at Jessica and Eric's flat and there Elias had a go on the "jump swing". He didn't jump around in it but still seemed to like it..

By the way.. The table and chairs in the background used to be mine. I sold them in 2003 and as it turns out, it was Jessica and Eric that bought them. Uppsala is a lot smaller than one thinks! ;-)
Two nights ago we think he had a bit of a fever but it didn't seem to affect him much. We took it quite easy yesterday and now he seems ok again. We hope he will be fine tomorrow as we start babyswimming then. If he is ill we can't go of course but as I said, he seems ok now. Today we need to go and get him some swimmingshorts though. Haven't had any luck finding any in town, but hopefully they will have some where we are going today. I guess it isn't quite season for swim wear..
We have also started to try to get him to fall asleep on his own rather than falling asleep in my arms when feeding. He isn't that happy about it but hopefully it won't be that many evenings before he accepts the new routine. It feels quite cruel because he is so unhappy but it is for the better in the long run. I am so glad that me and Dave are doing it together, I could never keep myself from picking him up if Dave wasn't there to help me. And I think Dave feels the same.
It has gotten quite cold here all of a sudden. The other day when we were out for a walk there were actually a bit of snow flying around in the air. So now we make sure to wrap up the boy before going out. We are actually using the "travel bag" that I used to lie in as a baby.. Cute bow on the hood huh!?

Today we tried feeding him a bit of puree again. I have tried it a bit during the week but with quite poor results, maybe because the food was homemade. Now we tried a jar of potato and parsnip puree and he seemed to really like it. How rude to prefer bought stuff to homemade!! Oh, well.. after trying it I must say I understand him, the bought stuff tasted a lot nicer.. ;-)
I have started a new photo album as well, Month 5 as you can see to the right..